Tuesday, May 15, 2007

RQS working hard to grow healthy students

On May 1st, the Raytown Quality School District gathered for the final Community Forum of the 2006-2007 school year. Despite a low parent turn-out, School Board President, Cathy Mack emphasized the importance of Community Forums, “The purpose of these community forums is to allow the District a way to reach out to parents and the community and allow them to be more involved in their student’s schools.”

On this night, Marty Sadler, Nancy Coughenour, and Brian Bargmeyer were on hand to discuss the Health and Wellness of Raytown students and the programs that are currently in place in the district. Cathy Allie, the district’s Community Relations Coordinator, set the tone for the night stating that “The Raytown District has a commitment to our student’s health and wellness and the district is working with the National PTA, the National School Board Association to meet these objectives.”

The floor was handed over to Nancy Coughenour, Director of Food Services for Raytown Schools. Coughenour broke down the nutrition guidelines that the district implements which the USDA, the Health Department, and the State of Missouri regulate. As part of that regulatory compliance, the district does not serve foods of minimal or no nutritional value such as carbonated beverages and candy. The district also takes great strides to ensure that students are receiving ¼ of their Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) at breakfast and 1/3 of their RDA at lunch. Coughenour also discussed the ways the district are working to connect with parents regarding their student’s nutrition by allowing parents to access the nutritional information easily through the District’s website. From the District’s website, parents are also able to add money to their child’s meal plan and place restrictions on their child’s ala carte options.

Brian Bargmeyer, Elementary PE Teacher and Coordinator, was also there to discuss the causes and health risks of childhood obesity. In addition to developing health problems such as asthma, high blood pressure, Type II Diabetes, and Sleep Apenea, many overweight and obese children are at a high risk for low self-esteem, which often leads to depression. In order to combat these health issues the District is teaching students the importance of proper diet and food moderation and explaining why physical activity is essential.

Marty Sadler, Practical Arts Instruction Coach, followed Bargmeyer. Sadler discussed what the district is doing to educate students in regards to healthy living. She began with some startling statistics; the number of overweight children has doubled in the past 20 years and the number of overweight adolescents has tripled in the past 20 years, most likely because children are consuming an extra 80-230 calories per day than in the 1980s. As a district, Raytown is working hard to educate students about portion control and the importance of eating healthy. The district uses the USDA’s MyPyramid as a guide for students emphasizing the importance of not only eating healthy but of being active as well. One way Raytown Schools help students stay active is by requiring students to take physical education. In addition P.E., students in 8th grade are also required to take a Health class and in High School students are required to take Fitness Plus, a class that is team taught between P.E. and Health. It is in these Health classes that students are able to discuss such heavy topics as anorexia and bulimia. Sadler uses the metaphor of using a car care manual to take care of your car, illustrating to students the proper way to care for your body, explaining that “the food pyramid is like a care manual for your body.”

The night was best summed up by Dr. Georgetta May, Raytown Middle School principal when she said,“it is important that teachers and parents set an example for students,” and in the end that is what the Raytown Quality School district is working hard to accomplish.

- The Raytown Post -

MDESE visits Raytown

On Monday, March 12, 2007, officials from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (MDESE) will be in the district to evaluate our schools and the progress that they have made since the fall.

Currently, the district has achieved full accreditation - having met 11 out of the 14 requirements. However, the district is looking forward to achieving, once again, the much-coveted Accredited with Distinction status that it once took great pride in having.

This visit by MDESE is part of the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) and will be an intensive K-8 review of our C-2 school district. On Monday night, there will be an open board meeting in which the MDESE will question members of the school board about the district’s ability to provide a positive learning environment along with various other questions about the achievement and performance of the district. They will also discuss the school district’s written Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.

The school board members are not the only ones that the MDESE will visit. On Tuesday, the MDESE will begin their rounds of classroom visits. Each elementary and middle school within the district will be visited. Mathematics and Communication Arts teachers can expect to have their classroom visited anywhere from two to six times between Tuesday and Wednesday. In addition, middle school students should expect to be interviewed on Tuesday. The MDESE will talk to K-8 teachers after school on Tuesday.

By having this visit the district is hoping that they will be able to gain some points in the two performance areas that they were unable to meet requirements on last fall (MAP scores: Grades 3-5 - Math and Grades 6-8 - Communication Arts). The district is hoping that by fall of 2007 they will be able to join the over 200 Missouri districts that are currently Accredited with Distinction in Performance.

-The Raytown Post -

School Board Welcomes New Members

On April 9th, the Raytown School Board honored Al Brown and Dr. Darrell Swofford for their years of dedication to the school district. State Representative, Will Kraus, was on hand to present Brown and Swofford with a resolution and Cathy Allie thanked Brown & Swofford for all the accomplishments that they helped bring to the district and they were presented with an award for their service and commitment.

Dr. Swofford, who was first appointed to the Board in November of 1997 and then elected in 1998, 2001, and 2004, said, the “bottom line of what we do is the education of our most precious asset – our children.” He went on to express his gratitude for Superintendent Houck, saying, “A very positive thing in this school district is our Superintendent Dr. Dale Houck.” Continuing Swofford said that over the past 10 years he has seen our district grow and grow,” and challenged the Board and the staff of Raytown Quality Schools, to “live up to our district’s slogan, Expect the Exceptional.” He urged the Board to always keep in mind the question, “Is it right for the children.”

Al Brown, who was elected to the Board in 2001 and 2004, began by expressing how truly “humbling” his experience on the Board has been. “We do it because of our customer – the children.” Brown expressed his appreciation of the quality teachers in the district and told a story of a teacher who asked her students to draw a picture of what they were thankful for. One child simply drew a hand. When asked whose hand the young boy had drawn, the boy simply answered yours teacher. The teacher’s hand had guided the student throughout the school day offering him guidance and protection. Brown told this story to illustrate that the teachers and the Board change lives daily and to remind them “simple acts of kindness make a difference.”

After a short reception for Brown and Swofford, newly elected Steve Mullally and Bobbie Saulsberry took their seats on the Board for the first time.

Steve Mullally, is best known as the President and Owner of Rolland Studios Inc. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in General Studies from UMKC and is a member of both the Raytown Crossroads Chamber of Commerce and the Raytown Rotary Club. Mullally lives in the Kansas City area of the Raytown School District with his wife, Melanie and their three children.

Bobbie Saulberry is a New Business Representative with Missouri Gas & Energy. Saulsberry has an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts from Penn Valley Community College and is a member of the American Association of Blacks in Energy and the William G. Pinkard Scholarship Fund Committee. She has participated on the Superintendent’s Diversity Advisory Committee and the Growing with Pride Committee for three years. Saulsberry lives in the Raytown area with her husband Johnny.

In addition to introducing two new board members, the April 9th meeting was a time of reorganization for the School Board. The Board unanimously elected Cathy Mack, President, Rick Moore, Vice President, and Kristie Collins-Delarber, Treasurer.

The newly reorganized Board then discussed unfinished business regarding summer school credits being added into the student’s GPA for class rank and allowing those credits to be applied toward graduation. The proposed changes would allow students who elect to re-take a course through the District’s Summer School program to have both their initial grade and their new grade figured into their GPA for class rank. However, credit will only be given once for each course. The district hopes that this change will provide more incentive for students to take courses in the summer and will increase their accountability. The Board unanimously accepted this proposed change.

Dred Scott spoke seeking approval of Middle School #3’s Phase I Bid. Stating that three bids were submitted and opened on the fourth of April. J&M Contracting was the low bid at $518, 201. The district said they are comfortable with J&M as they did work on both Westridge Elementary and the administrative building. The Board unanimously approved the motion.

Christie Evans was also on hand to discuss the Raytown Community Education Program. The results of the annual evaluation of the Community Education Program were reported to the Board in keeping with the accreditation standards set by the Department of Secondary Education (DESE). The Board unanimously approved the evaluation. The evaluation stating that their were 1, 669 people (as of March 27, 2007) who participated in Raytown Community Education courses Fall 2006 – Spring 2007 with a total of 184 classes offered. The total number of participants is down slightly from the Fall 2005 – Spring 2006 semesters.

Lee Updike and Barbara Condra were there to discuss the annual Technology Services Evaluation as required by the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) and the district’s comprehensive three year strategic technology plan that is required by DESE. Updike spoke, stating that this comprehensive plan is merely a “road map” and “does not commit the board or district to do anything. It can be modified and changed.” It is simply to provide the board with “source material to make informed decisions.” Part of the goal of the tech plan is to have more support in place at the school by the use of Technology Instructional Coaches who will be able to go into buildings and classrooms as the need presents itself. The district is currently looking into ways to have lessons and learning online. They believe they have found a way to do so at no cost using Moodle. The system is similar to the Blackboard system used in many colleges. The online learning system would allow the district to provide an education to students on long-term suspension or expulsion as well as allow students who miss class time, while participating in the Herndon program, to find their missed lessons online. The Board unanimously approved both the Technology Evaluation and the Technology Plan.

The board also discussed the bids for the 350 hwy project and Herndon Career Center Consolidation. The district received five bids, but only four were qualifying bids. Excel Construction was the 2nd low bid and was accepted by the board with only new board member, Steve Mullally opposing. The board unanimously rejected the low bid from Taylor Kelly Construction since the bid did not comply with the bid specifications. The district had requested bids on ten alternates and seven unit prices and Taylor Kelly Construction did not submit bids for three of the alternates and came in far too low with their deductions for two of the alternates compared with the average of the other four bidders. In addition, Taylor Kelly Construction’s ground source subcontractor has not been involved three projects of equal size and complexity in the last five years as the district had required and their sub-contractor was not properly qualified to perform the installation of the ground source heat pump systems. The board approved the lowest qualifying bid by Excel Construction so that the architect and District Administration may begin negotiations with them.

- The Raytown Post -

RQS Holds Forum on School Safety

On Tuesday, March 27th, The Raytown School District held a Community Forum on the ABC’s of School Safety. Topics discussed were everything from fire drill procedures and cameras to bullies and Internet Safety. Raytown Quality Schools host community Forums as a way to reach out to parents and in order to fulfill one of the School Board’s yearly goals. The presenters included Dr. Lee Updike, Cathy Betz, Martha Cockerell, Dred Scott, and Nancy Osterhaus.

The night began with an overview of what would be discussed and then we broke up into three groups and rotated through informational sessions on Technology, Safety & Emergency Procedures, and Creating & Maintaining Safety in Schools. The theme of the evening was Awareness, Balance, and Control & Connection. Each session discussed ways that staff were being trained to recognize and be aware of safety issues, how the staff is trying to find a balance between allowing the children certain freedoms and keeping them safe, and ways that the district is connecting with specially trained individuals and entities in order to stay in control.

In the technology session, Cathy Betz, Melissa Tebbenkamp, Dustin Hills, and Dr. Lee Updike discussed ways that the district has implemented technology in their schools as a way to increase student safety. Currently the Raytown District has security cameras installed on the outside of all school buildings and they have begun installing buzzer entry systems in schools throughout the district. The cameras are able to zoom in on specific areas and are able to save data for up to one week, allowing principals to review the feed in case of any unusual occurrences.

The school district also has a vested interest in protecting the students’ safety online. All school computers are outfitted with antivirus and spyware protection to help protect the students from viewing any inappropriate popups. The schools have also implemented web filtering software that stops unacceptable internet traffic and blocks inappropriate sites all together. In addition to specific sites being monitored and blocked, the district has also chosen to block instant messaging programs, reducing the threat of students being able to share personal information with strangers. The school district has adopted their AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) per CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act). The district is currently looking into implementing the government’s i-Safe program as part of the district’s continuing effort to protect students from Internet dangers. Information on the i-Safe program is available online at isafe.org.

The session on Creating and Maintaining Safe Schools focused on bullies and how the school district is working towards creating a safe and productive environment for all students. Each school is staffed with interventionists who work to triage students and make sure that they begin each day on a good foot.

- The Raytown Post -

Alicia Wallace is RQS District Teacher of the Year

The 2007-2008 Raytown Quality Schools Teacher of the Year is Alicia Wallace, a kindergarten teacher from Westridge Elementary.

In making the announcement, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Dale Houck referenced Wallace’s application packet, in which colleagues referred to her as having a passion for teaching, and exemplifying herself as the model of professionalism. Wallace feels that teachers act as leaders, role models and mentors, and that effective teachers must have high expectations not only for students but for themselves and colleagues.

Wallace congratulated other nominees and talked about her love for children and the home she has found in the Raytown school district, after having come from teaching in Texas. Wallace has taught for 20 years, the last thirteen in Raytown.

A parent calls Wallace a warm, inviting individual, in addition to being an effective and encouraging teacher. Westridge principal Carol White not only believes she is a talented professional with integrity, but also believes she has an understanding of the developmental needs of children, and is able to provide for the varied social, emotional, physical and educational needs of kindergartners.

Judges Angela Boyd and Sally Frederick were in attendance at the annual breakfast to name the District Teacher of the Year after having interviewed applicants on Wednesday night.

“I am pleased to see the good teaching happening in Raytown,” Frederick, who is the 1989 District Teacher of the Year, and a product of the Raytown schools. “It is so enjoyable to see teachers at all points in their careers, from the beginning to very experienced, show their enthusiasm in interviews.”" Boyd, who chaired the district's Growing With Pride Bond Issue committee, echoed Frederick's sentiments and said the judge's decision was a hard one, but she is willing to judge again because she "loved speding time talking to each teacher." Courtenay Wills from the Hickman Mills School District Public Information office also served as a judge.

- The Raytown Post -